Welcome to my blog!

I’ve had many iterations of a blog, first on Squarespace and then, when that got too expensive, on GoDaddy. Now that the latter is now even more expensive than the former, I have opted for WordPress web hosting, and boy has it been a learning curve. I am delighted to be paying about a quarter of what I was before, but I had no idea how difficult it would be to design a WP website since I am used to website builders rather than web hosts.

My web hosting plan, by the way, is the “Business” one by Hostinger. If anyone else is thinking of switching to this particular service, feel free to contact me. It’s much easier to figure out when you have a human being on hand who has gone through the process already.

Anyway, back to the topic of blogging. When I switched from Squarespace to GoDaddy’s website builder in 2023, I made the decision to migrate all of the poems I had previously posted, as well as building a new “Photography” page featuring most of my work. This time around, I’ve decided to do things differently.

I am not going to put in all the time – AGAIN – into posting the same dozens upon dozens of poems. Instead, I’m going to post what feels right, whether that be a new poem, an old poem I’ve posted before, or an old poem I’ve decided to re-work. As far as my photography goes, I’m going to post one of my original photos with every poem. This feels more intentional than me dumping a bunch of photos on a dedicated dumping page.

Sound good? Good.

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Otherwise known as Lana Danzeisen. A poet, black & white photographer, and singer, among other things. Born and raised in Burbank, California. Educated at UC Santa Barbara and the University of Exeter. Facilitator of literary and musical projects.